Thursday, July 12, 2012


dah beminggu2 layan cita sgt...skang dah episod episod 103...meh nk bgtau sket sinopsis cita ni...

Kang Geum-Hwa had to quit her job after getting married. She never complained. Geum-Hwa is proud of taking care of her family which includes her husband Ko Kyung-Se and daughter Dan-Bi. Geum-Hwa tries her best to make a happy home. She trusts her husband completely, but one day learns that her husband is having an affair. Geum-Hwa divorces her husband. She then goes through a very difficult period and experiences misery. Geum-Hwa then decides to give herself a makeover. She looks beautiful and refined from the outside, but inside she is tough. Geum-Hwa then faces the world and even when she falls down, she'll stand up for her daughter.
Ko Kyung-Se is the president of advertising company "Sweet Rain". He takes care of himself and is in good shape. He tries to keep his outward appearance young. After his divorce with Geum-Hwa, he marries Wang Se-Mi . Nevertheless, Kyung-Se realizes how important Geum-Hwa was to him & starts to better understand her. Carrying a lot of regret, Kyung-See then wants to take Geum-Hwa back.
Wang Se-Mi is a beautiful advertising planner. She believes she can make a warm family with Kyung-Se. Through many ups and downs, Se-Mi finally gets married to Kyung-Se. Se-Mi believes she'll able to become a wise wife, but as time goes by her situation takes a turn for the worse. Kyung-Se contacts his ex-wife. Kyung-Se makes the excuse that it's because of their child. At first, Se-Mi isn't worried about Geum-Hwa because she isn't attractive, but later finds out that Geum-Hwa has turned herself into a beautiful woman. Se-Mi feels threatened by Geum-Hwa and doesn't want to lose her love.
ops...sory la sypnosis dlm english...hehe...cita ni byk bg aku nangis, sbb situasi tu lebey kurang apa yg penah aku alami ms kecik2...cuma kalaulah aku bijak berpikir mcm dan-bi, mst aku dah tanya bapak aku, why? why? why he's so cruel, leave us for another woman? fuh...tapi apakan daya, aku cuma 5 tahun ms tu...bila tgk watak dan-bi nangis sedeh parents nya becerai, aku pon nek syekh jgk nangis mcm kena pukul...hehe

plg best ni, si geum-hwa tak mengalah, carik keja utk survive, tapi keadaan dia kira ok, sbb still ada tmpt utk menumpang, ada makpak & adik pompuan utk mengadu...watak si se-mi pulak bg aku geram, yalah org ke-3 mmg slalu mcm tu, hanya pentingkan diri tanpa pikir family org laen yg dia dah pecah-belahkan...asik2 tak puas hati dan salahkan geum-hwa hidup dia merana...

since skang dah episod 94, by next week dah abeh cita ni...tak sabaq nk tau ending nya...harap2 tembelang si se-mi yg gilakan duit & harta tu terbongkaq akhirnya...siap tipu DNA lg utk kaut harta...ish dasar tak malu pompuan ni...watak se-mi ni amat menjadi sebab aku meluat sgt kat dia, nsb bek muka cun...hehe...maklumlah duk peknen ni, kang tekenan pulak...

ni muka geum-hwa b4 becerai, then lps cerai, dia grooming balek sampai jd mama hot camni...

si geum-hwa ni femes sejak belakon dlm cita First-Wives-Club...wataknya lebeh kurang sama dgn miss ahjumma cuma aku tak follow cita tu...hmm...can't wait to see the ending...


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