Saturday, December 5, 2015



Kali ni nak ceritera sikit bab lari. Frankly speaking, im not really keen in sports. Setakat main badminton for fun tu boleh lah. Running? Swimming? huh... But, people change. As time goes by, aku pun keja dlm sukan, kawen pulak dgn mat outdoor, he changes me a lot. I am an introvert, aku tak suka kecoh2, mingle around and so on. Thats the old me. I mean, i will keep the positive progress in me, year by year, inshaallah. Thanks to mr hubby, for 'persuaded' me to involve in sports. 

Mat reza mmg dah awai setaun-dua join running event, setelah dijinakkan secara teori dan paksa-rela (selain motif utama - disembunyikan atas faktor keamanan sejagat), akhirnya aku join lah event lari lari anak ni. Start 2014, masuk 2015 byk sikit join event, wpon camtu, byk event aku kena sacrifice saat akhir sebabkan clash dgn kelas/test/exam schedule. Ada masa free, kami akan lari together2 gitew. Cuma aku ni paling kuat pon 10 km saja. Best time? Hmm, i'm no damn serious about running, yet. maybe in next year or two, i will consider about it.
They're 2 big event had been cancelled due to haze. The SCKLM and BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon. We definitely will join again.

I will share some photos. It is just my self motivation, to do a few things that i don't like to. Next is waiting for me, swimming class. Ya, thanks to mr mat reza to masukkan me, starting next February (after sesi gadoh manja utk delay/postpone) because in Jan 2016, i'll be having exams! 

If people ask me, enjoy dak buat benda-benda nih? For me, yes. I'm not competing with anyone, i need to challenge myself to improve from time to time lah. In terms of speed, time, medal & certs collection etc etc. Lepas kawen, ada anak2, hobi pon takdak, asik sibuk dgn family + keja. At least, buat something new, to add in my wishlist. huhu. It is new, for me. Sama lah macam sambung study, ada orang tanya "buat apa penatkan diri? Rush buat tu buat ni?" As for me, time won't wait. Carilah benda2 yg ada paedah untuk buat. Kita semua ada sehari 24jam. It is up to you how to use yr time. Penat sekarang, tuai hasilnya kendian. Kalau rasa rugi, tak payah buat. Aite?
We will register again for 2016. Till then... adios!

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